Sunday, September 22, 2013

Plantation Christmas Weddings by Various

The first story is about Marilyn who is a widower.  Her daughter, Constance, is getting married and she is on her way to become acquainted with Beau, Constance's fiance's dad, who is also a widower, before the wedding.  Marilyn instantly takes a disliking to Beau but tries to stick it out for her daughter's sake.  Slowly she begins to realize that maybe he is not as bad as she thought.  She has to learn to deal with some things from her past before she can embrace her future.  The second story is about Meredith who is a writer and heads back to her old hometown to do some research as well as to be in a friend's wedding.  She runs into Gary, a former friend from high school.  They both are fighting hurt feelings from a misunderstanding in the past.  Meredith has to learn to let go of her past hurts and forgive.  Then next story involves Devon and Sandra  who are separated.  Their marriage seems to be falling apart.  Every time they encounter each other, tension feels the air.  Devon wants reconciliation but Sandra has to learn to let go of her hurts and anger in order for this to happen.  The last story centers around Wreath Anderson, who is the wedding planner in each of the previous stories.  She had been left at the altar on her wedding day but still manages to plan weddings for other people.  Then she runs into Micah who was one of her former fiance's close friends.  Micah is in love with Wreath but Wreath is still hanging on to her hurt from being left at the altar.  If she can let go of that, then she just might be able to have the future she's dreamed of.  I enjoyed each of these stories.  They all had a common theme in that the main character(s) were dealing with issues from their past.  They each had to learn to trust God and seek him and his will.

I received this book for free from NetGalley.  I was not required to write a positive review for receiving this book.

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